build with us
Join us in prayer to seek the Lord for His heart to be established through the House of Prayer Bath. Stand with us in asking for passionate workers to take hold of the harvest and for the raising of grassroots intercessors, worship leaders, and missionaries.
Please contact us if you sense a call to serve the Lord alongside us in prayer, worship, and intercession.
The House of Prayer Bath is entirely funded by generous givers who have caught a glimpse of the vision to see 24/7 prayer and worship established in the city of Bath and who are devoted to the passionate love of Jesus.
You can pledge to give as a standing order or as a one off donation - either securely online or in person. If you'd like to donate online, please do so through Father's House Church Bath (ref: HOPBath):
CafCash Account
Account Name: Father's House, Bath
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00026646
IBAN: GB73CAFB40524000026646